Saturday 4 March 2017

Shaman Chapter 14 ¯\_( ◉ 3 ◉ )_/¯

>>Here's the Chapter<<

So this comes out after a week. It's another Hero chapter, so I won't blame you if you're bored or disappointed. I don't like these hero one's either. Too cheezy ~ gao!
I want to get ch15 out by this weekend, or maybe a couple days after. But before that I'll be doing the author Q&A things. The pace I'm going for is a quiet 2 chapters per week. I don't think I can manage higher volumes.

Also, Shaman hit the 1000 reading lists mark on NU! It may be minuscule compared to the big shots, but there's a thousand people around the world who enjoy this story enough to put it on their lists. Well, they could also be putting it on the infamous 'dropped' list~ I don't care! It's 1000 lists!

That's all I have to say. Lion → out.